Give through your employer each pay day and receive an immediate tax credit. No more uploading receipts to the IRD.
Payroll Giving
Make a regular donation via your employer to The Arts Centre
Giving through my pay
Make a regular donation to The Arts Centre through your employer each pay day and receive an immediate tax credit.
Using Payroll Giving turns your gift of $10 into $15 for Te Matatiki Toi Ora The Arts Centre - immediately - no IRD paperwork required!
What is payroll giving?
Payroll giving allows employees to make regular donations to approved donee organisations such as Te Matatiki Toi Ora The Arts Centre.
As with any other donation to a charity, you are entitled to a tax credit of 33.33 cents for each dollar donated - however, instead of having to wait until the end of the tax year to receive the credit, 33.33 cents for every dollar donated is credited to your pay at the time of donation.
So, say if you donate $30 fortnightly to The Arts Centre through payroll giving, it will only cost you $20 because you receive one third of your donation back as a tax credit immediately in your pay! Magic. No tiresome uploading of receipts to the IRD.
The Arts Centre is an approved donee organisation listed on the IRD website under our full legal name: Trustees in the Arts Centre of Christchurch Trust Board.
But you can find us on the IRD donee database by simply searching “The Arts Centre”.
Our bank account is 02-0800-0259969-02.
How it works
Your employer deducts the donation from your pay, reduces your PAYE by the appropriate tax credit and then forwards your donation to The Arts Centre. Once it is set up, it is easy to manage and you can stop, start or change the amount of your regular payroll donation at any time.
You can find out exactly how to set up a new payroll gift on this IRD web page, where you can also download the PDF guide ”Payroll Giving Guide” (IR617).
Which employers offer payroll giving?
Any organisation which electronically files its employer monthly schedule and deduction form with the IRD can offer payroll giving to its employees.
As payroll giving is still quite new in New Zealand, not every employer offers it. Just ask your manager or HR representative if it is available in your workplace.
If your employer doesn't offer payroll giving at this time
Please consider setting up a regular gift – weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly - either by credit card or direct debit. You can choose what to give and when, and each April we will send you a tax receipt for your donations throughout the year. Find out about The Arts Centre's regular giving programme or email our Fundraising Manager.
Information for employers
As an employer, payroll giving is a great way to introduce corporate social responsibility to your employees. The scheme can also boost staff morale and complement any existing volunteering and employee engagement programmes you may have running.
If your organisation would like to find out more about setting up payroll giving for your employees, please visit the IRD website for more details.
Payroll Giving is a fantastic way of supporting our work, thank you for considering supporting Te Matatiki Toi Ora The Arts Centre.