The Arts Centre is an independent charitable trust which is not funded by recurrent council or government funding.
We depend on gifts and sponsorship from people like you.
The Arts Centre is an independent charitable trust which is not funded by recurrent council or government funding.
We depend on gifts and sponsorship from people like you.
Please consider giving a regular amount to The Arts Centre Te Matatiki Toi Ora to provide ongoing support, whether monthly, quarterly or annually.
A modest amount given on a regular basis adds up to something amazing over time, and really makes a difference! We already have some fantastic supporters who keep on giving regularly, and they have turned into our biggest and best supporters as time goes by. They also have the satisfaction of knowing that they are really making an impact at the Arts Centre.
Knowing what donations are coming in regularly also allows The Arts Centre to budget in advance, which greatly helps when planning important projects and programmes for the next year.
Your contribution will help run free public performances, events and activities throughout the year, as well as heritage repair, restoration and maintenance projects throughout this precious landmark site.
It is easy with an automatic payment, you can also track and budget ahead for donations, and cancel at any time. Make a regular internet banking payment to 02-0800 0259969-002, and we will generate an annual tax receipt for your donation.
Alternatively, if you would like help or would prefer to use a credit card, please fill out your details on the form and we will contact you to complete the process.
Thank you for considering The Arts Centre Te Matatiki Toi Ora!