Save The Arts Centre

It has been an intense few months. In April, funding was not allocated to The Arts Centre in the Council’s draft plan, a move that would have forced the closure of the Trust but with the support of people like you, this decision has been turned around.

We are grateful to now receive funding as times are tight for everyone, particularly the ratepayer. However, the funding is less than what is necessary to retain The Arts Centre operations in its current form.

What can be done is to defer maintenance – this represents $970,000 every year and is essentially the bulk of the missing funding. It is not sensible or prudent to do this, as this will result in leaky roofs, broken water pumps, and old blacked out lights. But it can be done in the short-term.

During the campaign, people also asked how they could support The Arts Centre financially.

If you have the means, we would appreciate your donation. Here’s how:

  • Donate now. No amount is too small (or too large). The Arts Centre is a registered charity, so all donations over $5 are tax deductible.
  • Set up regular giving. Modest donations given regularly make a big difference and can add up to something amazing. Find out more about how to give regularly.
  • Leave a sum in your will. A long-term proposition, but much appreciated. Find out more about bequests.
  • Tap and donate. Next time you’re on site, simply use your eftpos card to make a small donation at the ‘Tap and Donate’ machine in the Clock Tower or Boys’ High buildings. 

Support comes in many forms. Non-cash options include:

  • Become an in-kind sponsor. The Arts Centre uses a wide range of goods and services to keep the site running, stage creative programmes, and get marketing messages out. Contact our fundraising manager.
  • Volunteer your time. We have an ongoing need for volunteers who can commit to regular shifts welcoming visitors and assisting with events. Find out more about volunteering at The Arts Centre.
  • Share the love. Introduce your visitors, colleagues, friends, and whānau to the delights of The Arts Centre. Too many people don’t realise what a gem we have here in Christchurch!

Whatever you can give, we are grateful for it.

Your contribution helps keep The Arts Centre alive and nurtures the arts in our city.

Thank you.