Thank you for helping restore the Observatory Tower
Eleven years after the Canterbury earthquakes of 2011, the magnificent and unique Observatory Tower is completely restored and towering once more over the South Quadrangle.
Three years of intense deconstruction and reconstruction work have ensured that the Gothic Revival Observatory Tower is as good as new, with beautiful new stonework faithfully hand-crafted as the architect Benjamin Mountfort intended in 1896.
A huge thank you to all of our many supporters and donors who helped fund this $11 million project - we couldn't have achieved this without you.
We asked you to "Be a Star" for this project, and a huge number of supporters - large and small - stepped up to the challenge.
The historic Townsend Teece Telescope will be reinstalled shortly, and the first floor of the Observatory Tower will be home to an exciting new astronomy exhibition in 2023.
New Zealand Lottery Grants Board
Christchurch City Council
Rātā Foundation
Christchurch Earthquake Appeal Trust
The Stout Trust, proudly administered by Perpetual Guardian
Canterbury Earthquake Heritage Building Fund
Corporate sponsors
Complete Asbestos Solutions
Daveron Scaffolding Ltd.
Jenny May, Heritage Management Services
Holmes Consulting
Warren and Mahoney
Major supporters
Philip and Fenella Aldridge
Robert Bull
Canterbury Decorative and Fine Arts Society
Carol Caldwell and Charley Fleischmann
Grant and Sandra Close
Peter and Deirdre Cottrell, in memory of Graeme Kershaw
Drummond Inheritance Trust
Garden City Tappers
Peter and Jean Hyam
The late Dorothy Maclean
Robin and Annette Mann
Caroline Murray
Laura and Leicester Murray
Virginia Nelson
Sally Page
Felicity Price
Stephen Taylor
Kathy Brown and Mark Wilson
Euan and Pamela Young
Mel Haskell and Chris Allen
Margaret Austin
Murray and Bindy Barclay
Philippa Bates
MJ Blackie
Philip Bones
Rod Carr
Merle Cooney
Grant Dean
Murray Dickinson
Jane Doig
Angus Fowler
The late Patricia Glausiuss
Puamiria Parata-Goodall
Reina Dornan and Bruce Graham
TG Gregg
Gillian Heald
David and Diana Holderness
Peter and Jean Hyam
Erin Jackson
Theodore Jackson-Smith
Christina Sell-McLachlan
Michael and Lesley Petterson
Louise Porter
Ron Pynenburg
Michael and Karen Rondel
Judith Ross
Mark Russell
Graeme and Jean Sharfe
Sandra Shaw
Ed Sparrow
James Stringer
Thomas Murray Forbes Taylor
Mark and Jill Todd
Susanne Trim
Edith Tripp
Brett Versteegh
Deborah Williams
Susan Henson and Thomas Young
Be a Star
CL Bennett
AM Brittenden
Michael Brosnahan
Vicki Buck
Quentin Bugg
M Cone
In memory of Pam Crawford
The late Anne Edmond
Neroli Fornasier
KL Forrester
Angus Fowler
Kaitlin Haines
Warren Haynes
Kris Herbert
In honour of Raewyn Hutchings
Roger Keen
Fiona Lassen
Ruth Lewis
Karen Lowe
Ann Lyons
Jane Lyons
Sarita MacGregor
The late Dorothy Maclean
Lorraine Logan and David Martin
Mark McKinstry
Eddie and Annette Pedersen
Peter Penlington
Jennifer Porter
Diane Preziosi
Declan, Ella, Holt and Nelson Priddy
SJ Primrose
Gaia Rastelli
Greg, Natalie, Lachlan & Sofia Sneddon
BC Streeter
N Summers
Marlene and Murray Victor
Lu Wang
Sheila Watson
The late T. Shailer Weston
Christine Whybrew
Anne Wilson
Holly Wiseman
HA Zbijowski
With thanks to David and Leigh Teece, whose generous support funded the restoration of the Townsend Teece Telescope which belongs to the University of Canterbury.