The Rolling Om

Today's Hours Closed
  • Tuesday 10.00AM – 2.30PM
  • Wednesday 10.00AM – 2.30PM
  • Thursday 10.00AM – 2.30PM
  • Friday 10.00AM – 2.30PM
  • Saturday 10.00AM – 2.30PM
  • Sunday 10.00AM – 2.30PM

Market Square, Worcester Boulevard

The Rolling Om is a street food truck serving fresh and quality food in Market Square.

The team behind The Rolling Om believe in good food, good entertainment and good times.

The daily menu features tasty, healthy and innovative wraps that make a perfect lunch. You can choose from a range of delicious filling options that change with the seasons, utilising the best of nature’s current offerings.

The focus is on providing healthy food choices – including good fats and raw and living foods – without sacrificing any of the taste. Ingredients are sourced locally and responsibly whenever possible.

The Rolling Om also caters for conferences, weddings, festivals and other occasions across New Zealand.

Location map

Market Square,
Worcester Boulevard

Market Square Hereford St Carpark Boys' High Entrance Engineering Laneway The Observatory Hotel Courtyard South Quad North Quad Registry Student Union The Gym Engineering Cloisters Studio Common Room Library Biology, Observatory and Physics Chemistry School of Art West Lecture Classics Rutherford's Den Clock Tower Boy's High Workshop Great Hall