Francesca Khalifa (piano)
Monday 18 August, 2025
1.10PM – 1.50PM
(+ $1.50 booking fee)
(+ $1.50 booking fee)
(+ $1.50 booking fee)
(+ $1.50 booking fee)
Venue: Great Hall
‘Khalifa intensifies the beauty of piano playing” La Nuova Ferrara
We look forward to welcoming New York musical sensation Francesca Khalifa back to the Great Hall stage. Last time she was greeted with rapturous applause and a standing ovation.
Francesca has a startling talent and is constantly searching for innovation in her field of performance and musicianship. Most recently she has been researching the teaching legacy of renowned Chiliean pianist Claudio Arrau which has evolved into not only a book but also a documentary film to be released this year.
This event is part of our 2025 Great Hall Lunchtime Concerts at The Arts Centre.